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Artpacks for Ceredigion

Over the past few months HAUL has been engaged with two local artists (Martine Omerod and Stuart Evans) to create ‘Artpacks’ to send out to vulnerable people in Ceredigion.

The funding for this project was made available by Community Foundation Wales and their Coronavirus Resilience Fund. The funding secured has enabled HAUL to deliver activities to people across Ceredigion during this difficult time for many who are isolated at home.

We foresee an increase in demand for our work in Ceredigion and until we see a COVID vaccine being offered to people in our communities, we need to continue to engage with our clients through developing more ‘Creative’ activities that people can access easily at home. Moreover, HAUL is pleased to announce that further funding from Community Foundation Wales has been secured for this purpose.

Here are a few examples of the work produced to date….thanks Brent!


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